Monday, May 17, 2010

The catfish won

We took Faith to the airport this morning at 3:30 am. We were all pretty tired but Rebekah and all of us girls decided we would go along. We spent last night outside playing cards and looking at the stars. While we were doing this we saw flashes and heard a noise that sounded like a canon a few seconds later. We had no idea how much celebrating they were about to do.
We went to sleep still hearing the loud canon noise making fireworks but the intervals of quiet were enough to get some rest. That was until about 2 am when people started shouting and "singing" and shooting more of their fire works off. This carried on for a while and after a while it seemed the celebration had ended. By that time it was time to get up and take Faith to the airport, so we dragged ourselves out of bed and headed up to Rebekahs house and headed out for the airport. On our way out we avoided the center of town as much as possible and as we drove we saw random drunk people walking around town, which seemed ridiculous since it was 3:30 in the morning.
We got Faith safely to the airport and on our way back we asked one of the tollbooth workers who had won the major part of the election. We found out it was the one whose opposition had made a song about how he was a catfish and was a "sucker" and had the song played throughout town blasting from speakers held in the back of various trucks. When we returned it was five in the morning and people were still out. We thought maybe we would have a quiet morning, but so far it has been louder than it was last night and for much more time. People have been yelling, there has been what seems like consistent car horn honking and loud music and fireworks that seem to be going off right outside our door (they are very loud). Hopefully things will eventualy quite down.
Yesterday we had a very relaxed day. There was no church so in the morning we had a time of worship and sharing and praying. It was very refreshing to rest. We then had some delicious pancakes for lucnch with chocolate chips and peanut butter and honey instead of syrup. We then had some fun time playing around on the basketball court. We played soccer with two little goals and an exercise ball. We had quite an audience as we played. Apparently we were quite enertaining. That game wore us out and my body is pretty sore today.
Today we slept for a while after returning from the airport and this afternoon we will be heading out to start our vacation Bible school activities with the kids at the orphanage. Today we'll be talking about the birth of Jesus and when he was a kid and the kids will be doing dramas which we will record on our cameras to make a movie that we will watch at the end of the week.
Everythings been going really well and the kids seem to be enjoying having us here.

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